When you shop at The Home & Garden Store, you will find our products to be FIRST CLASS, yet affordable. We have been in the landscape and nursery industry for over 44 years and our method of business is the old-fashioned way. We consider our gardening friends as a part of our family. We have been in the Boise valley for a long time and we plan to be here for even longer. And it’s our goal to maintain our integrity and grow our business with the help of you, our gardening friends.
Our knowledgeable and experienced sales staff is here, ready to help you with all your gardening questions. They are enthusiastic to share their knowledge with you. So stop by today and let us share our wealth of knowledge. We are located at 4291 S. Cloverdale Rd. in Boise or you can call us at 208.917.4820
Happy gardening…